Sunday, September 28, 2008

Viva La Neo Industrial Revolution!!

So back in the day, someone discovered a method of improving the accessibility of manufactured products... someone discovered mass production.

This was a tremendous growth spurt for the nation, but it was not without grave consequences.

While necessary goods were more readily available, behind the scenes, the oil companies, timber companies, and pharmaceutical companies were fighting a war against a plant.
A plant which, for eons before, had provided human beings with the necessities they needed.
A single plant, capable of producing clothing, oils, and construction material more durable than is wood.

And the War on "drugs" was born. But this was merely an affront to keep Hemp from freeing the PEOPLE from bondage with the corporations of America. In fact, this is the initiating point of the decline in economics.

The economy is now failing, and the only way out is to return to the basics; to abandon artificiality and synthetics, to rely no more on fossil fuels, but renewable resources, like ethanol, biodiesel, and HEMP.

What do we NEED to survive?

sure isnt TV, it's not video games, we dont need designer clothes, or the most hip and current trends... what we need is FOOD, SHELTER, WATER, AND COMPANIONSHIP.

What can Hemp do to help us?

It is one of hte most nutritional foodstuffs on earth, second in protien only to soy, and contains many, if not all, the essential amino acids otherwise found in meat! it is a highly durable crop capable of constructing homes, tailoring durable clothing, and it even possesses medicinal value!

So why are we giving into the sugar coated promises of the politicians?

Because far too many of us do not want freedom, but freedom from responsibility.

The more we allow someone else ot take care of our OWN responsibilities, the less we will ever be free... truly, freedom comes not from political bickering and a corrupt legal system, but from HARD WORK, SWEAT, BLOOD, SPIT, EFFORT, AND RESPONSIBILITY!

Misery Loves company, so let's all be miserable and Love each other!